Best Montessori Toys for Toddlers 1-2 Years Old
Best Montessori Toys for Toddlers 1-2 Years Old

Best Montessori Toys for Toddlers 1-2 Years Old

Best Montessori toys for toddlers 1-2 years old

Choosing the Best Montessori Toys for Toddlers – A Personal Journey

Selecting the best Montessori toys for toddlers can be quite a challenge, especially for someone like me. Why, you might wonder? Well, if you’re a parent or planning to become one, you’re well aware of the overwhelming array of options available for kids these days.

Before I became a mom, I only set foot in toy stores when I needed to buy a gift for a loved one. To be honest, I found it to be a daunting experience every single time. I never knew which toy was suitable for each age or what purpose it served.

If you find yourself in a similar boat, unsure of what to buy for your enthusiastic toddler, you’re in the right place. I’m here to share my experiences with the best Montessori toys for toddlers, specifically those that my child adored between the ages of 1 and 2.

Why should you consider this article your ultimate guide? 

Well, as you’ve probably noticed, the internet and stores are flooded with recommendations for the best Montessori toys for toddlers. Choosing the most beneficial Montessori toy for your child’s development can be a real challenge.

In this article, you’ll find a clear list of the best Montessori toys for toddlers, along with the skills your child can develop through play and my own observations while my toddler played with them. I believe this information will simplify your decision-making process.

Before we dive into the list of the best Montessori toys for toddlers, I’d like to mention that these are the toys I introduced to my son, David, starting from when he was 1 year old. Some of them he still enjoys playing with (he’s now 1 year and 10 months), while others he has outgrown.

Additionally, it’s important to note that although most of these Montessori toys come with a recommended age on the box, I didn’t always strictly adhere to it if I felt my child was ready for them. Every child develops at their own pace, and as a parent, you know your child’s readiness better than anyone, so consider the age recommendations on the box as just that – recommendations.

Best Montessori toys for toddlers

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Table of Contents

Best Montessori toys for toddlers:

Montessori Shape Puzzles

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Shape Matching, Hand-Eye Coordination

Introducing Montessori Shape Puzzles to your toddler is an excellent way to acquaint them with different shapes. I recommend starting with the most basic set, such as the one shown here, featuring three large and simple shapes. 

If you introduce this toy at the age of one, your toddler can begin to refine their grip and fine motor skills. The knobs on these puzzles are designed to be large enough for easy grasping. As your child becomes more comfortable with this activity, you can gradually progress to puzzles with smaller shapes and handles.

In the beginning, my son David wasn’t sure how to engage with the puzzle. He would often flip the wooden board and play with the knobs by spinning them. It was fascinating for him to observe the movement, and it also provided him with an opportunity to develop a new skill. Over time, he began to grasp the concept of matching the shapes.

Best Montessori toys for toddlers

Montessori Wooden Puzzles

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination, Cognitive Development

Moving on from basic shape puzzles, Montessori Wooden Puzzles are an ideal choice for toddlers, contributing to both language acquisition and motor skill development. For a significant period, approximately a year, these puzzles held a special place in David’s heart. It was truly rewarding to witness his growth as he became more adept at identifying and correctly placing the various shapes.

There is a wide array of wooden puzzles to choose from, including options featuring farm animals, wild animals, letters, fruits, and vegetables, among others. As you can see in the pictures, we went all out and collected them all :)).

If you’re unsure where to start in your search for the best Montessori toys for toddlers within the wooden puzzle category, please feel free to explore my recommended selections below:

Wooden activity cube

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Shape Matching, Hand-Eye Coordination

The Wooden Activity Cube is a versatile and engaging toy that can greatly benefit any toddler due to its various activities targeting different skills. Depending on the specific cube you choose, it may include features like rotating puzzles, spinning gears, shape sorters, and more.

This toy provided not only entertainment for my toddler but also offered me joy as I watched him interact with it.

Wooden or silicon stacking toy

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination, Cognitive Development

Another fantastic toy for your child to hone their fine motor skills is the Wooden or Silicone Stacking Toy. This is one of those toys that can adapt to your toddler’s developmental stage, offering various learning opportunities. For instance, if you opt for a stacking toy with cups or rollers of different sizes, your child can gradually grasp concepts like big and small and develop sorting skills over time.

For personalized suggestions, please refer to the options I’ve curated below:

Best Montessori toys for toddlers

Fruit/vegetables/animals jigsaw set

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination, Cognitive Development, Patience Practice

Fruit, vegetables, and animal jigsaw sets are undeniably among the best Montessori toys for toddlers. Personally, I have always found puzzles to be not only enjoyable but also excellent learning tools for kids. They provide an avenue for practicing patience and fine motor skills, while also introducing children to the world around them by allowing them to piece together images of animals, plants, and fruits.

To begin, I recommend starting with a simple puzzle comprising just two large pieces. This will make it easier for toddlers to fit the pieces together and gain a good understanding of how puzzles work. As your child becomes more adept, you can gradually introduce puzzles with three or four pieces.

In my experience, this is one of the best Montessori toys for toddlers, as it serves as a valuable exercise in patience, especially for energetic children. I’ve observed that my son David enjoys the challenge of fitting the puzzle pieces together. 

While there are moments of frustration, he perseveres and even seeks help when needed. Additionally, this activity provides an excellent opportunity for parents to actively engage with and support their child’s learning.

When it comes to choices, there are plenty available, ranging from cardboard puzzles to chunkier wooden ones that are easier for little hands to grasp.

Montessori Cutting Set

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination

A standout among the best Montessori toys for toddlers is the Montessori Cutting Set, typically made of wood. This particular toy offers valuable lessons that can be applied in real life, making it an excellent choice for your child’s development.

If your toddler often sees you working in the kitchen, chopping fruits and vegetables, it’s highly likely that they’ll want to mimic your actions. While you can certainly hand them a butter knife and a banana to practice with, consider investing in a cutting set designed for kids.

This toy serves as a fantastic tool for enhancing your toddler’s motor skills, teaching them how to handle a knife safely, and introducing them to the art of cutting. Additionally, it aids in developing hand-eye coordination and logical thinking.

You can even use this Montessori toy as a tool for learning, encouraging your toddler to sort vegetables from fruits or sort objects by color.

It’s important to note that the Montessori Cutting Set is a bit more advanced compared to some of the other toys mentioned in this article. Therefore, I recommend introducing it to your child after they reach 18 months or are close to two years old. It can make for a perfect gift for your two-year-old toddler.

Depending on your budget and preferences, I recommend two cutting sets:

Best Montessori toys for toddlers

Montessori Baby Flashcards

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination, Cognitive Development

Montessori Baby Flashcards are an exceptional choice among Montessori toys for toddlers, especially if you’re seeking a tool to help your child learn new words while having fun. These flashcards are typically large and chunky, and some of them even resemble puzzles, requiring children to match each item to the correct card. This interactive approach not only makes learning enjoyable but also contributes to the development of linguistic intelligence.

In addition to vocabulary enrichment, Montessori flashcards are available in various themes, such as emotions, actions, the alphabet, and textures. These cards offer a diverse range of learning opportunities.

From the very first day, my son David took a liking to these flashcards. Even though he received them at the age of one, he continues to enjoy them at nearly two years old.

It’s important to note that some Montessori flashcards are suitable for children aged 1 to 3, while others are more advanced and can be introduced after the age of two, lasting until around five years old.

My personal favorites among Montessori flashcards are those from Headu. If you’re interested, you can explore their offerings here. The ones we have are in Romanian, but you can also find them in English.

Best montessori toys for toddlers

Montessori Wooden blocks

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination, Encourage Exploration, Cognitive Development

Wooden blocks are a timeless classic and an essential among the best Montessori toys for toddlers. They offer endless fun and serve as a perfect tool for your child to develop motor skills, practice stacking, and grasp the concept of building.

Opting for colorful blocks with images of animals, shapes, household items, letters, and numbers painted on each side adds an extra layer of learning. These blocks become an excellent resource for your toddler to acquire new words, explore the alphabet, and discover various colors.

Playing with Montessori wooden blocks is not only enjoyable for kids but also fun for parents. To keep things organized, especially with wooden blocks that can easily be scattered around the house, consider investing in a cute wooden box designed specifically for blocks.

Montessori Wooden Hammers

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye Coordination, Dexterity Improvement

Montessori Wooden Hammers are undoubtedly among the best Montessori toys for toddlers. These toys provide a great deal of fun while offering valuable learning opportunities. Your child can enjoy playing with the hammer while simultaneously learning about colors and enhancing their dexterity.

In my experience, while my son David didn’t use the hammer extensively, he found different ways to engage with the toy, often using his hands to fit wooden blocks together. 

There are various types of wooden hammers available, but I recommend opting for a classic and high-quality one, similar to the example provided here. This ensures that your child can enjoy the toy to the fullest while benefiting from its educational aspects.

Best Montessori toys for toddlers

Montessori Wooden Sorting and Stacking

Skills Developed: Fine Motor Practice, Hand-Eye and Wrist Coordination, Sorting Practice, Dexterity Improvement

Montessori Wooden Sorting and Stacking toys offer a multifaceted learning experience for toddlers, making them ideal for children who have reached a certain level of development. These toys not only enhance fine motor skills but also promote hand-eye and wrist coordination, sorting abilities, and dexterity.

I agree that this toy may be slightly advanced due to its inclusion of sorting activities, which typically begin to develop after the age of 2.

Nonetheless, it serves as one of the best Montessori toys for toddlers to start familiarizing themselves with sorting based on various shapes and colors.

If you’re on the lookout for the perfect wooden sorting and stacking toy, I recommend checking out the example provided here. It can provide your child with valuable learning experiences while engaging in a fun and interactive playtime activity.

Final thoughts

I truly hope this article has been helpful to you, providing valuable insights into selecting the proper and best Montessori toys for toddlers. Whether you’re a parent searching for the ideal toys for your child or simply seeking inspiration, I believe this article has offered valuable guidance and ideas. Thank you for reading, and if you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to reach out.